[FIRST NAME GOES HERE], Take It Slow: Your Envestor's Guide to December

First "Check" of the Month

December 2023

Reader, this month we'll be focusing on relaxing, slowing down, and reflecting. I know that might seem counterintuitive since I'm generally prone to taking action. However, I'm trying to make myself stop for a minute and reflect on everything I've done for the year and start thinking about everything I want to accomplish next year.

Upcoming Events This Month

We're still in the annual federal benefits open enrollment season which ends on 11 December (Tricare open enrollment ends 12 December).

If you pay for child or dependent care, you definitely need to consider the new Department of Defense Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA). You can also opt-in to optical or dental coverage from the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP).

Check out my podcast interview about the DCFSA on the Military Money Show with Lacey Langford!

If you're in an area where the Johns Hopkins US Family Health Plan is offered, now is the time to switch to or from this plan. We use it for my wife and son. Overall, it's been so much better than Tricare! However, there are additional costs and copay involved.

What I'm Reading Right Now

I'm currently reading How to Grow Your Small Business by Donald Miller. Why? Well, I'm eventually going to start another business. I'm also interested in running my content writing and paraplanning business more efficiently (which funds my passion projects like Enlisted Money and Start100K). So far, there's nothing earth-shattering in it. However, he walks through the process of structuring your business using a nice metaphor of an airplane.

I'm not sure I'll be making any life-altering changes, but it's helpful to think through how I want to structure and launch my next offering (hint: it'll probably involve one-on-one coaching/financial planning). I may also change/update some of the language I use on the Enlisted Money website. I'll keep you posted on the progress!

What I'm Doing This Month

As little as possible :)

I'm going to spend a little time in the garage, maybe be a guest on a couple more podcasts, and spend a lot of time with my wife and son. I'll have plenty of time playing with LEGO and Nintendo games.

I've been meaning to brew another batch of beer, so maybe I'll do that too. Who knows. I guess I'm just trying to say, don't be upset if you don't see as many articles. I'm trying to slow down on those anyway. I really want to focus on writing in-depth articles that I enjoy writing the most. I want to work harder on reducing technical topics into easy-to-understand, sharable references.

I'm working on an exhaustive article on vehicle buying and selling, so I'd love to hear any tips, tricks, failures, and successes you've had!

Latest Blog Posts

Department of Defense Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA) Top 13 Questions About Emergency Savings

Action Items for December 2023

Reader, I really don't have much for you here this month. Just do things you enjoy! I give you full permission to take your foot off the gas a bit, relax, and reflect on the year.

We'll have plenty of things we can do in the new year. If you just need something to do, consider the following:

  1. Make any final contributions to your Roth IRA or IRA.
  2. If you own a small business, start getting all your receipts together.
  3. Start getting organized for Money Day (stay tuned for an article on this) or some other type of money meeting in the new year.

What are you looking forward to this coming year?

What was your favorite accomplishment this year?

I love feedback! So, hit reply and let me know so I can help celebrate your wins. Also, if I've helped you in any way, I'd LOVE to hear that too! Those little stories, notes, and pictures help keep me going on the hard days.

In the end, I just want us all to live the life we were meant to live - without worrying about money.

Thanks so much for being a part of the Envestor Community!

Enlisted + Investor = Envestor :)

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Enlisted Money Envestor Newsletter

Are you an enlisted service member or veteran? Then the Envestor Community is perfect for you! Enlisted + Investor = Envestor. Keep up to date on the latest military financial news and topics delivered to your inbox twice a month (one for each paycheck). Don't miss out and join Brandon Lovingier, ChFC®, MQFP® aka The Enlisted Money Guy™, who's has served over 18 years in the Army – including deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. He established Enlisted Money to help enlisted service members avoid the same mistakes he made and stop worrying about money. He’s spoken at MilMoneyCon and loves mentoring other service members!

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